Six Pack Abs – Ripped by Summer

Posted on December 4, 2008. Filed under: Six Pack Abs | Tags: , , , , |

You can develop six pack abs and get ripped by summer, buy you have to start now and follow these three steps for quick results.

1. Do Cardio.

You want to burn off any existing fat by doing some form of cardiovascular exercise 3-4 times a week. This will get you lean and allow the six pack abs that you develop to really show off. Most people actually have some degree of abdominal develop, its just covered up by a layer of fat. Get rid of that layer and you’ll begin to see the abs.


2. Cut out junk.

For the remaining spring season just cut out junk and garbage food which includes fast foods and snacks like chips or nachos. Once you develop your six pack you can actually go back to eating some of these foods (moderately) and still keep your six pack. By the time the fat gets accumulated it will be fall anyway and time to cover up!

3. Exercises to get your Six Pack Abs.

Here’s where you’ll get your abs. Get on an Ab Program that will hit all the areas of your stomach, shaping up your abs and also burning fat so you don’t have to do as much cardio. Just doing crunches on the floor won’t bring you the six pack ripped abs you’re looking for, and it would take way too much time anyway.

The easiest route towards real results will be by following a full on firming, flattening, and shaping abdominal program. Here you will quickly build your entire ab structure, developing the ripped six pack look, while gaining the benefits of feeling and looking younger, stronger and more attractive for the Summer!

Here’s the perfect Ab Program for quick results by Summer –

By following this routine, you’ll get your ripped six pack abs, while eliminating your love handles, and getting rid of excess stomach fat. Check out

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